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金融航线网2024-07-03 08:48:41【排行】1人已围观

简介User is working on a task to write an article in Chinese analyzing the reasons why real trading in f

User is working on a task to write an article in Chinese analyzing the reasons why real trading in forex is inferior to simulated trading, with the title "请你以炒外汇之实盘不敌模拟盘的原因分析【新手必读】" (Analyzing the Reasons Why Real Forex Trading is Inferior to Simulated Trading [A Must-Read for Beginners]). The article should be 800 to 1000 words long, with each paragraph using an h2 tag and the remaining text using p tags. The content should not include conclusions, closing statements, or summaries.?资者承担真实的资金损失风险,因此更容易受到贪婪、恐惧等情绪的影响,导致决策不理性。

## 缺乏真实市场的压力和考验


## 缺乏实盘交易的心态准备


## 结语

